In the upcoming summer months, many people will be taking to the great outdoors in order to explore all the fun the season has to offer and many of them will be looking to play recoil laser tag outside.
Many people have thought about purchasing a few of the popular recoil blasters for themselves or perhaps for their children. A common question among prospective buyers is, “Does recoil laser tag require a phone?”
At this time, the recoil laser tag system requires a phone for the RK-45 Spitfire pistol and the SR-12 Rogue rifle. Out of the box, these recoil laser tag blasters cannot be used without a phone without further modification and the two mentioned probably never will.
Here today, we are going to go over a list of the many smartphones that are currently confirmed to be compatible with the recoil laser tag system. I will also review the system requirements for the intended device that make the recoil laser tag system work the way that it does.
This will be the short and sweet information source you didn’t even know that you have always wanted!
Now the thought may have already come across your mind, “Do I REALLY need a smartphone to use the recoil laser tag system? Or is there a workaround that they just are not talking about?” The reality is that the recoil laser tag system does, in fact, require a smartphone to use it, and here is the reason why.
The creators designed the recoil laser tag system (Recoil Laser Compat SR-12 & Recoil Laser Combat RK-45) with the express intent of having an augmented reality experience. For this to happen, the recoil laser tag system has a list of components that are absolutely required for it to work in the way that is intended.
This just so happens to entail smartphones because these handheld devices have all the components.
Let’s discuss the system requirements… Within that list of the system requirements, you will see a list of the individual device components that you merely will not find in anything else other than a smartphone.
Once you see the system requirements you will understand why this system works the way it does and likely will stay that way in the future.
Before we get into the phones that are currently confirmed to be compatible with the recoil laser tag system. The recoil laser tag system does have just a few small system requirements that are worth mentioning here for you today.
If your phone does not have all of these system requirements in place, then you simply will not be able to use the recoil laser tag system.
If you are concerned that your current device is not compatible with the recoil laser tag system, do not worry! Most smartphones on the market should be compatible with the laser tag recoil guns.
The recoil laser tag system requirements:
1. GPS functionality turned on
2. Bluetooth functionality turned on
3. Wi-Fi compatible devices with Wi-Fi turned on
4. A Rear Facing Camera as well as a functioning Microphone.
Below is a list of currently confirmed phones that are best suited to support the recoil laser tag system:
It is worth mentioning that this is just a list of confirmed supported devices and this list will be continuously being updated as time moves on.
These phones are merely the only phones that are currently confirmed to be one hundred percent compatible with the recoil laser tag system at this time. And the devices that will certainly deliver you the best user experience.
So if while you were reading over this list you did not see your phone in any of the listings at this time, then do this step first.
Before investing in a new smartphone, just to play with the Recoil Laser Combat Game, check your current device to make sure that you have Bluetooth enabled, a rear camera, GPS enabled and WIFI enabled on your current phone.
If your phone has these 4 functions, then your phone may actually be well suited to support the recoil laser tag system, even if it is not currently on this list of confirmed supported devices.
Several devices that are not currently on the list will, in fact, work with the recoil laser tag system as long as they meet the system requirements. They may just not work as well as those devices that are currently listed.
So you decided to follow through with purchasing the whole recoil laser tag system and you know that your current phone is compatible with the system. Congratulations!
Let's talk about some things you can do to increase the fun!
The Recoil Laser Combat Frag Grenade is made with thick plastic and hard rubber bumpers.
It's one thing to shoot your opponent with the laser blaster, but it is so much fun taking him by surprise with a grenade!
If you don't let them know you have one, then you should see the surprise on your opponents face when the grenade goes off that their fees as you show yourself in victory!
While there are a variety of options available to you for designing a full-fledged bunker for the recoil laser tag system. There are a few simple options that you can implement right away that can add to the fun for the virtual battlefield.
You can easily set up a few cut-up cardboard boxes that are repurposed for being a quick set up bunker.
A few small Amazon deliveries later and you have the beginning materials for a DIY bunker you can put together for a laser tag battle bunker.
Anything that acts as a wall will do the job. But cardboard boxes are a cheap and simple option you can use right now.
You can also pull out your mattress from the bedroom and lay it against a couple of wooden posts.
A better idea still would be to take this laser tag battle out into the woods. Set up all of your agreed-upon boundaries for the field of battle and use the natural resources all around you for the perfect cover.
Another not so commonly thought about step you can take to improve your user experience while playing the recoil laser tag system is modding your laser tag blaster. There are a few simple modifications you can make to any of your laser tag blasters in order to improve the functionality of the device.
This applies to any laser tag system device, as well as the grenade.
Simply using just a few minor modifications to your blaster you can dramatically improve the performance of the recoil laser tag system blaster. Making these few changes will be well worth the time if you decide to implement them. One modification you might consider to the blaster is adding a Wifi signal booster.
Adding this to your device will significantly increase the range of the blasters themselves. This component can easily increase the range to eight hundred feet on a flat ground field all for a small price of fifty dollars more.
There are a wide variety of phones available for the recoil laser tag system that will be more than suited for an amazing night of laser tag.
This guide covered the list of currently confirmed supported devices for the recoil laser tag system, whether it be for the IOS or the Android devices.
We talked about how you absolutely need a phone to play with the recoil laser tag system and why that is the case.
A few fun changes you can implement in order to enhance your user experience for the recoil laser tag system that will provide fun for hours.